Stop a mega-development near the Grand Canyon

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  • #2598
    Lee Arbach TBP

    (Our family took car vacations to visit many National Parks/National Memorials. I specifically remember ALL of them being in the middle of no-where. It was an adventure leaving civilization and entering a small town area then visiting the park/memorial. I feel very sad that Walmarts, McDonalds, Starbucks, Verizon Stores… exist so near our countries’ treasures. I feel sad children won’t be able to have my families experiences! lee s)

    Stop a mega-development near the Grand Canyon

    The town of Tusayan, Arizona sits a mile from the Grand Canyon’s South Rim entrance. Even though the small town only has a population of 576, it struggles to find enough water due to its arid location and Arizona’s ongoing drought.

    Yet Stilo Development Group USA feels that this is the perfect location to build 2,000 homes and 3 million square feet of commercial space.

    The development will transform the area into a bustling resort complex that will strip the land of its quickly depleting resources, and impact the quality of life for local residents and surrounding wildlife. AND, we still don’t know where the water will come from!

    These threats led the National Park Service to oppose the project, but the decision now rests with the Forest Service, who has been asked to allow a road and utility lines through the Kaibab National Forest. We can sway them, but only if you get your comments in by Tuesday!

    Send a message to the Forest Service: protect Grand Canyon National Park and the Kaibab National Forest, and don’t approve this project.

    Complete the form below with your information.
    Personalize your message if you wish.
    Click the Send Your Message button to send your public comment to the US Forest Service.

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