At the heart of southeastern Oregon lies a wild, rugged landscape carved by the Owyhee River and lined with steep basalt walls. Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands embodies the iconic American West defined by wide open spaces, deep river canyons, and rolling sagebrush hills. It’s home to the nation’s largest herd of bighorn sheep, native trout, raptors and the imperiled Greater sage-grouse, and a treasure trove of human history and culture.
But Oregon’s Owyhee Canyonlands encompass the largest unprotected wild area in the lower 48 states. Remoteness will no longer preserve the Owyhee: development pressure and impacts are coming. Damage from irresponsible ATV use is already here, and mining could be next.
Please, take a moment today to act to protect these truly spectacular wildlands and rivers. Let Senators Wyden and Merkley know that you support safeguarding this magnificent landscape. Remember, your message is even more powerful if you personalize it.
Thank you for your support.
Oregon League of Conservation Voters